Discover Kota Bharu Food to Eat


Planning a trip to Kelantan? You gotta make sure you factor in some serious eating time because Kota Bharu is a haven for food lovers! We’re talking about Nasi Kerabu with its vibrant blue pea flower rice, Keropok Lekor so fresh it practically melts in your mouth, and rich, flavourful curries that’ll leave you licking your fingers and saying Alhamdulillah (praise be to God).

Forget fancy restaurants – Kota Bharu’s magic lies in its down-to-earth warungs (food stalls) and family-run kedai makan (restaurants). Here, you’ll find real local flavours, cooked with love and passed down through generations. So, get ready to loosen your baju kurung (traditional Malay outfit) a notch or two, because in Kota Bharu, you’re gonna eat like a king (or queen)!

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